I'm Strydr, a systems nerd, hacker, developer, and mathematician

Hello world, I'm Strydr and I currently live in Golden, CO. I'm a developer and student at Colorado School of Mines. I enjoy problem solving via programming and mathematics.

Devlog 0x12 - zduel match manager

Devlog 0x12 - Over the past week, I created on a simple chess match manager that runs in the terminal. Here is a brief overview of it and some of the features it has.

Devlog 0x11 - Gaussian Elimination in Zig

Devlog 0x11 - Today, I was forced to use a Jupyter Notebook to do some row reduction problems. Juptyer Notebooks are not my style, so I wrote a terminal based Gaussian Elimination program in Zig.

Devlog 0x10 - Kirin Chess v0.0.1 Release

Devlog 0x10 - Today, I will be talking about the current state of Kirin, existing issues, as well as officially releasing a working, chess playing binary.


  1. Company
    CCD Excel! Zone
    Mathematics Tutor
  2. Company
    Movement Gyms
    Climbing Instructor
  3. Company
    Community College of Denver
    Student Ambassador
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